Official webpage to increase the club’s brand awareness Website For
a Racing Club
Client:The racing club, USA
Request:To create an official website for a new racing club.
Result:Significant increase in brand awareness in the U.S.; a boost of e-commerce sales.
- Drupal 7
- JavaScript
- Apache HTTP Server
The U.S. racing club requested Cogniteq to develop an official website for their team. The web page had to contain all the information about members, their bio, and activities. Also, they tasked us to integrate into the website an online store to sell the team’s merch.
Our specialists had to create UI/UX design, develop all web sections, and test the functionality. One of the main requirements for the website was to make it quick, modern, and mobile-friendly.
Our team decided to use Drupal technology for webpage development. The main reason was that Drupal is a ready-made system and a secure tool for website building.

Cogniteq team created the following features on the website:
Home page.Contains the main screen slider with top articles, news, and announcements. Also, we placed there four latest news and videos.
About page.In this section, our Client can publish basic information about the team, its members, and the club’s biography.
News page.This section features the latest news which users can filter by certain tags. Each tile shows an image and a header and displays a brief content preview. Headers contain an image or video, a page sharing widget, and news text. Website administrators can add images and videos to the body of each article.
Videos page.Has basically the same functionality as the News page.
Team Info page.This is a section with brief biographies and photos of the racing team. Website administrators are able to rearrange the tiles depending on the number of members listed in each category (drivers, test drivers, management).
Personal Info page.Features a header with basic infographics about the drivers, a page sharing widget, profile preview, career milestones preview, and a carousel of images related to this particular team member.
Sponsors page.Consists of names and website links of the racing team sponsors and partners.
Contact page.Contains the contact information of the club’s offices and a feedback form.
Responsive design.We implemented a responsive website design that allows comfortably viewing the site using both desktop and mobile browsers.
Integration with an online store.The racing club has its own online store so our team integrated the newly-developed website with it. Clicking on the Store button the user gets to the online shop, which sells the club’s merchandise.
The racing club has a significant increase in brand visibility and awareness in the U.S.
E-commerce traffic and sales boost.