a large-scale educational website chopra.com
Client:Chopra, USA
Request:To develop an educational web portal from scratch.
Result:The portal has become one of the most popular websites for spiritual development in USA. Millions of users enjoy its features and get online courses.
- Drupal
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Slick Slider
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Git
This project was ordered by Chopra - famous USA organization founded by Deepak Chopra. The company organizes events aimed at strengthening physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Chopra specialists in a healthy lifestyle have great experience in education. They have managed to create an intensive program for well-being improvement.
Chopra decided to launch an educational website to allow thousands of people from all over the world to enjoy their masterclasses and training sessions remotely. Cogniteq was assigned to this project as our experts had already had robust expertise in developing web portals of various kinds and complexity.
Our team had the task of building a comprehensive educational web portal that contained online courses designed for meditation and a healthy lifestyle, as well as news, events and blog posts.

On-demand learningOur engineers developed functionality to publish educational on-demand videos on meditation and stress relief. Moreover the he portal admins have the possibility to update tutorials and online training sessions.
All these online events are available in the Self-care section. Users can view what courses they have already finished, study what they can get from new masterclasses, and enroll in the events that seem interesting.
The experts who organize these tutorials can create new types of such courses and events, add descriptions and testimonials from participants.
The system was created so that, opening a page of each masterclass, a user can immediately enroll and contact Chopra experts.
The system allows users to pay for subscription online. -
CertificationsWhen users take part in a masterclass of an upper level they receive a certificate and the qualification for becoming a tutor.
RetreatsIn order to create a Retreat an administrator needs to add a precise date and time, indicate a location, and write a description. Just like with masterclasses our developers ensured the possibility to enroll in the event, pay for participation and call an expert from Chopra.
User accountA user can edit personal data, view the finished and ongoing masterclasses, results and certificates. All information about payments for the events is stored in the Cloud.
BlogThose users who need help in stress relief can access and read numerous guides and articles on various topics. We developed the design and functionality for a comprehensive blog and enriched it with a great number of sections, categories and tags.
Content libraryBuying a masterclass each user gets access to the exclusive library of ideas/content from globally renowned experts.
E-mailsThe solution has also functionality for mass e-mail campaign in order to inform users about important events or updates.
UI/UX designCogniteq team created the entire UI/UX design for the portal from scratch.
Today chopra.com is known as one of the popular portals dedicated to teaching and studying meditation practices.
Millions of users choose Chopra to educate themselves in meditation.
According to the studies conducted by Chopra, 30% of portal users successfully decreased depressive mood and 20% of users decreased blood chemicals that are associated with heart diseases and diabetes.